Saturday, August 24, 2013

Grace and peace to you my friends,

my apologies for leaving you all hanging for so long. I've been struggling trying to get back into the good habit of rising early enough to get fully awake in time to accomplish something worth while before the rest of the family is up. Obviously I've been less than successful.

I do however have some good news for you. I have invited a guest blogger, my brother Sage, to add his thoughts to The Sword of Joy and share them with you. My hope is that glory be given to our great God through the encouragement that he will bring to you through this blog.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about pain, not just my pain but pain that others and even you go through. The Spirit has continued to bring this one thought to bear on my mind. So I'll leave it with you. The Glory that awaits us in God's awesome presence will more that make up for all the pain we go through here, so rejoice my friends for our hope is sure and our destination secure.

"For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison" 2 Cornithians 4:17esv

For the Joy of Your Faith,

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