Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What do you want?

As we continue on this journey of self-knowledge and spiritual awareness it can be helpful to take a moment to take stock of your current health. I don’t mean physical health so much as your eternal health. One way we can do that is to think about what you are hungry for. What are you craving or not craving?

I once knew a man who talked of a small but persistent desire that always seemed to haunt in the back of his mind and never seemed to go away. It was this idea that it would be just an amazing experience to spend a night with a prostitute. Not a cheap one mind you, but a real professional.

Obviously I am not condoning this desire that he had, but it does serve as an example. These longings that hang around in the back of our minds can tell us something about ourselves. Whether good or bad they give us an indication of our spiritual health.

Our sinful nature desires sinful things.

This is normal, this is the default. We all have sinned and in our sin, we all want to keep sinning. But think about yourself for a moment, is there anything abnormal? Any strange longings that seem out of place from this “normal” state?

Many Christians can testify of a longing that they couldn’t shake if they wanted to. A desire not for some carnal pleasure but something more significant. It is sometimes small, but always there in the back of the mind. An unending hunger to be a more righteous person. I know sounds strange right? Who even uses that word anymore “righteous”.

Imagine if you would that your neighbor of many years wins the lottery. You are happy for them, because you know that they have many debts, children to feed, and work a hard job with long hours. Now imagine in a surprise move he shows up the next day and gives you every penny, no strings attached. He says he wants you to have it and expects nothing in return. Now what would you do? Say thanks, and go to town? Quit your job and throw a party?

I can only imagine that if it happened to me that I would try to give the money back to him, if he wouldn’t take it I might go to the bank and pay off his mortgage. Send a check to the gas company to pay off his heating bills in advance. I would feel obligated, compelled to try to do nice things for him to show my gratitude.

This is a partial view of what it is to be a Christian. Jesus has given us a gift beyond value. Those who have accepted it cannot shake the inner desire to try to please God to show our gratitude for that gift. Think about it. God wants us to crave righteousness and do good works.

If you don’t have that craving to be righteous then I urge you to take some time to consider whether you have ever truly confessed your sins to God in repentance and declared Jesus to be your Lord.

God created you. It was a gift, in the beginning humanity was perfect. Every one of us has violated God’s law and deserves to be punished. Jesus was and is perfect and deserved only to be glorified and praised as the flawless creator of the universe. That Man, stepped down from his throne and died a hideous, miserable death, volunteering Himself as a scape goat to take your punishment for you, so that you might live free for all eternity. Beyond that, He rose from the grave, demonstrating his mastery of creation and defeating death itself.

This gospel. This message, this Truth changes everything. It leaves a mark and forever alters the course of those who accept it. If it has not changed your life then you have certain proof that you haven’t really embraced it as truth. For some reason you have held back and your eternal health is in jeopardy. Open up your Bible and find that truth that can heal your soul. There is no better time than right now.

If you do have that longing, then you know what I am talking about. I urge you then to nurture it. Never forget that we are to seek the kingdom and His righteousness first, before the things of this world.

Never stop growing, never stop seeking to find ways to improve, to continue and to expand in whatever good works God has place in front of you to do.


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