Wednesday, October 9, 2013


“All knowledge is ultimately self-knowledge.” – Bruce Lee

I have always liked this quote. It is simple and deep, like many great one-line philosophical quotes.

If you don’t know anything about Bruce Lee other than that he was some old kung-fu guy, then you should at least know that he lived a life in passionate pursuit of self-actualization. The idea that it is worth great effort to try to maximize everything you can about yourself to ultimately be the best version of yourself humanly possible.

I believe that this notion of constant self-improvement is a Biblical idea. Not that people like Bruce intentionally took the idea from the Bible, but they have nevertheless stumbled upon a portion of Truth.

This quote is a good example of that. In it he is talking about the idea that accumulating knowledge is a fundamental goal of existence but only by internalizing that knowledge, by applying it to yourself at an inner level, does that knowledge really help you become better.

Take this set of verses for example.

It speaks of those who hear the word (gathering knowledge) and of those who hear and do (self-knowledge or applying the knowledge).

Think about this question for a second-

Does your belief in Jesus impact how you think and/or act on a daily basis?

I once read that a study was done of thousands of self-professing Christians in America, and of those some 80-90% answered no to that question!

Perhaps you answered no to that question. Perhaps you are not a Christian… Too harsh? What good does it do us to gather knowledge if we don’t internalize it and apply it to ourselves? What if we look into that mirror and just walk away, forgetting what we saw?

I learned a long time ago not to judge others by the same standards that I hold myself too, but I can tell you from my experience that almost not a single day goes by that my faith in Jesus Christ does not come into play in some thought or action, or restraint from action. It is a real part of how I think about politics, work, marriage, parenting, movie watching, sometimes even eating. 

Gathering knowledge is not enough. Knowledge gained but not applied is knowledge you never really had. Only when we grab a hold of that knowledge and make it real in our hearts and minds does it become self-knowledge, or knowledge that leads to improvement.

Take this as a challenge, if you will, to think about what you know. Are there Truth's you have found but never applied? Devote some time this week to attempt a more real understanding of what you already know; a thoroughly consistent application of your beliefs to yourself. If you do, it will only make you better...


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