Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Joy to Serve

A quick thought this time.

A few weeks ago I was at work getting ready to go home and I got a text from my wife. She was going to be preparing supper and realized that she didn’t have one of the ingredients she needed. The text asked if I could stop and pick up the missing item on the way home.
Now maybe it is because my wife is a great cook and I knew how much I was looking forward to what she was going to make, or maybe it is just because I love my wife so much, but I was glad to help. Literally, I felt a sense of joy that I could help her out. I knew that she would appreciate it and that I would benefit from it and that it would make her happy, and it made me happy.

Upon reflection I believe that this is a microcosmic example of how we should relate to God. He does ask us to do things from time to time, and sometimes it may seem inconvenient. But if we are really, truly, in a right relationship with God. We know that obeying Him will make Him happy and will benefit us. If we can get to this place spiritually, them it will bring us joy to help Him out.

I don’t always keep the appropriate perspective, but I do thank God for the little reminders like this that help me understand things better. If you keep your eyes open, I think you will find that He drops these little reminders all around us.

God Bless,


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